US Presidential Elections 2020: Joe Biden projected winner after win in Pennsylvania


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Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden has won in Pennsylvania. According to the American newspaper ‘The New York Times’, with this major victory, Biden has defeated Trump with 273 electoral votes in US Presidential Elections 2020. In this election battle, Trump is stuck on 214 votes while the majority is 270. Biden will now be the 46th President of the United States. With this development, Biden’s  team is engaged in the process of power transfer. However, counting work is going on in the fourth day in many states. It is clear that Biden’s victory is going to be bigger.

77-year-old Biden expressed his gratitude to the American public by tweeting this immense public support in the US election. He said, all of you chose me to lead our great country, thank you very much for that. There are difficult challenges for us in the future, but I promise you that I will be the President of all American people. Earlier, Biden said in his address to the nation that we are starting work on our plan to control the pandemic.

Prior to this development, Biden was stuck with 253 electoral votes. Counting was on in Pennsylvania where there were 20 electoral votes. As the count was completed, Biden’s account added 20 Pennsylvania votes, with a majority of 273 electoral votes and defeating his rival, Donald Trump. Georgia has 16 electoral votes and 99 percent has been completed. Here too Biden is ahead by a margin of four thousand votes.

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The new President elect is also leading in Nevada and Arizona. The good thing in Biden’s favor is that he is also leading by 29 thousand votes here.

Meanwhile the head of the Georgia election system, Gabriel Sterling, has reported that the state’s election results will be released on November 20. Only after this announcement can the appeal of the counting of votes be made as the Trump campaign is repeatedly raising questions. However, the condition for this will also be that the margin of defeat between the two candidates is less than half a percent. 74-year-old Trump was ahead of Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan at the beginning of the counting, but he fell behind Biden as postal ballots counting started in these places.

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