Why newly elected US President’s take oath on January 20


Democrat Joe Biden will take oath as America’s 46th President on 20 January 2021. Biden, who is America’s oldest President, will be sworn in outside Capitol Hill with Vice-President Kamala Harris. The President’s oath in the United States is quite different from that of India and the rest of the world. After the elections are held on the first Tuesday of November, the new President is sworn in in January and the same tradition has been going on for the last 93 years. This time when the presidential elections were different due to Covid-19, so too will be the oath ceremony. The swearing-in ceremony is called the Inaugural Ceremony and officially the President’s term begins on this day.

The rule was made in 1933

Since 1937, there has been a tradition in America that the new President will take oath on 20 January. A detailed plan has been released on January 20 by Joe Biden’s team. In addition to former Presidents in the Inaugural Ceremonies, the President also joined by the First Lady. Whether the President is taking the oath for the first time or his second term starts after winning the election, the swearing in takes place only on January 20. This day is officially considered the first day of tenure. There is a difference of about 72 to 78 days between swearing-in and election. Before 1933, every four years, the swearing-in took place on 4 March. After this, the amendment was made in the US Constitution and the immigration ceremonies were changed from 4 March to 20th January. Where the President takes the oath on January 20, the elected members of the US Congress are sworn in on January 3. This amendment was implemented on 23 January 1933.

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On the day of the inauguration, the new President and the First Lady are welcomed by the outgoing President and his wife visiting the White House. Both arrive at the swearing-in place simultaneously. After this, when the President takes the oath, he goes to say goodbye to the former President. This is the last time Marine One leaves the former Supreme Commander, where he wants to go after the term ends. It is also interesting to note that since 1981, inauguration ceremonies are being held on the western part of Capitol Hill. If Sunday falls on the day of swearing, then on the next day i.e. Monday, there is an inauguration ceremony. So far, only three occasions have come when the swearing day fell on Sunday. A parade is organized after the inauguration and this parade is considered a display of strength. It is mandatory for every American television channel to show it live. After taking the oath, the President has to address the country. On an extraordinary occasion, the President takes an oath in a simple ceremony and the parade is not held during that time.

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