
Know all the difference between AMOLED and LCD display

While taking a smartphone, everyone’s attention is focused on the camera, battery and performance of the new phone. There are very few people whose attention would go to the display. The display of any smartphone is the most special part of that smartphone because all the work is done on the display only. Whether it is calling, gaming, or entertainment, everything is done through the display, so it is very important to check the display while buying a smartphone. A good display also affects the life of the smartphone.

Smartphones with two types of displays are available in the market. Some smartphones come with IPS LCD display while some smartphones come with AMOLED display. Many people awe unaware of which display is in the phone they are taking or there are some people who select the display only through word of mouth but it is not known which display is more better and what is their function. Read on to know which display will be better for your smartphone.

What is IPS LCD Display?

LCD display is liquid crystal display. In this type of display, a single display is attached to the source of light. This means that there is a single source of light behind the main display of your smartphone.

What is AMOLED Display?

Full form of AMOLED is Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. This type of display has an individual lead for each LED. It has multiple sources of light for the main display.

Which display is better AMOLED or IPS LCD

As stated earlier, LCD display has a single light source while AMOLED display has multiple sources of light. For this reason, smartphones with LCD displays are cheaper to manufacture and can be easily replaced if the LCD display gets damaged. Its replacement cost is also less. On the other hand, if we talk about AMOLED display, then it is expensive to make it and for this reason its smartphones are expensive. According to the color of the video in the AMOLED display, the light behind the panel keeps on turning off, so that we can see the color very well while playing the video, but this is not possible in the LCD display.

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