Mobile phones also carriers of coronavirus


Can a mobile phone also spread the Corona Virus? The question is a little serious but also important. Doctors say that the coronavirus can spread from mobile phones. When you are being prevented from touching the biometric and lift buttons to the door handles to avoid the virus, it is impossible to secure a mobile phone. That’s why you have to pay attention to these things, otherwise you can also become a victim of coronavirus.

Virus can spread from smartphone

According to a report, if you touch the screen of your smartphone repeatedly, wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face. Because, even from the screen of your smartphone, the coronavirus can enter you. The coronavirus can survive on the inanimate surface for about 1 week. However, it comes out of the human body in the form of mucus or sneeze. The highest risk of virus infection is in direct contact with the infected person.

Sanitize your phone every one and a half hours

Dr. Ravi Shankar Jha of Fortis Hospital says that you should keep cleaning your smartphone every 90 minutes with a sanitizer. If you use the phone continuously, then avoid bringing it around your mouth or face.

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Mobile phones are 3 times more dirty than a toilet seat

According to a research published in 2018, your smartphone is 3 times more dirty than a toilet seat. Bacteria and viruses are present in large quantities in mobile phones due to repeated placing or holding in different places. According to this research published in the journal Insurance2Go, only one in 20 people clean their mobile phone in 6 months.

How to eliminate virus from smartphone?

Experts believe that the virus can be eliminated by cleaning the smartphone with an alcohol wipe. At the same time, people are being advised to clean hands with a sanitizer to avoid the virus.

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