All countries should come together to fight coronavirus says UN Secretary General


The United Nations has raised concerns over the coronavirus pandemic. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, presenting the UN report on Tuesday, said that everyone in the world is threatened by Corona. This is having an impact on the economy, which will cause recession. No such problem has arisen in the past. This is leading to instability, unrest and conflict. If we look at the facts, it will be believed that this epidemic is the biggest challenge after the second world war.

Guterres said Corona needs to be dealt with forcefully and effectively. This will be possible when all countries forget politics and come together and realize that it threatens humanity.

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I am in contact with world leaders: Guterres

The UN chief said he is in touch with world leaders regarding the epidemic. The only thing is that the whole world is in the grip of this disease together and we have to get out together. The problem is also what would be the practical way to come out of this. There is a need to work fast to deal with this. We are slowly moving in the right direction, if we want to defeat the virus and help people, then we have to do more.

‘If developed did not help developing countries, there will be millions of deaths’

Guterres said that developed countries should help developing nations. If not, Corona would spread like wildfire. Millions of people will die. In places where it has been stopped, there will be a possibility of the infection rising again. Investigations, tracing of cases, quarantines and treatment capabilities have to be enhanced to prevent transmission of the virus. It has to be kept in mind that people engaged in treatment should also be safe.

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