Research claims 99.8 percent IT professionals show decrease in productivity during work from home


Amid the ongoing lockdown across the country, most companies are providing work from home to their employees. Almost all employees in the information technology (IT) sector are working from home. However, according to a study study, only 0.2 percent of IT-related employees in remote working or work from home have better productivity. In fact, according to research by innovative venture Scikey Mindmatch, 99.8 percent of IT sector employees are completely unable to work from home. During this research, input has been taken from 10,000 people working in the IT sector.

Lack of 3 things in IT staff

Research studies indicate that 99.8 percent of IT employees lack at least one attribute, including a lack of learning and research (95%), a reduction in practical communication skills (65%), and planning and execution (71%) is included .

Each individual is different, by which they recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Companies can increase their productivity based on the personality of their employees, the study has opposed. Because the productivity has been reduced to the employees during remote working.

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Employees are inspired by the challenge

The same study further stated that 16.97 percent of employees are motivated by challenge. Such employees should be given challenging tasks. They can perform their work with minimal intervention. These 17 percent of the identified employees needed clear cut directions to do any work. During remote working it is necessary to pay close attention to the engagement and work given to the employees.

Important to answer questions

The data shows that 40.42 per cent of IT employees is logic driven thus making it compulsory to be given tasks in order to get queries solved . It does not matter how small or big the work is. They are capable of working alone. Therefore, remote working is not a challenge for the employees of the IT sector unless they clear all the dots related to their work.

Challenge for social interaction employees

Research studies show that about 12.7 percent of IT employees are also those who pay more attention to their social interactions. This makes work from home a challenge for them. Such employees believe that they are not afraid of work, rather they are afraid of decreasing social interaction. Daily virtual communications are required during jobs. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to show enthusiasm during face to face video conferencing.

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