
Isolation wards created for elephants at Corbett National Park

After humans, the threat of corona virus is now hovering over wildlife. The NTCA has alerted the country’s sanctuaries, forests and zoos after the Coronavirus infection was detected in a tiger in the US. The officers and staff of the forest department are taking great caution about this. The world-famous Jim Corbett National Park management is taking steps as a precautionary measure for conservation of other wildlife including tiger and elephant. CTR management has created two isolation wards to protect the elephants from corona infection. If corona infections are found in elephants, they will be kept in isolation ward. Unnecessary visits to 17 pet elephants in the park have been banned. There is also a complete ban on Mahouts visiting their family members.

Wards built in Bijrani and Kalagarh

Pet elephants and guard dogs are more at risk of infection in the park. Pet elephants and guard dogs go out in the forest to patrol with their handlers. In such a situation, if they are infected, then it can also pose a threat to other people of the forest. In view of which special arrangements are being made to protect them. Two isolation wards have been set up in the Bijrani and Kalagarh zones of Jim Corbett National Park for domesticated elephants. If an elephant is found infected, they will be kept in this isolation ward.

Veterinarian Dushyant Sharma of Corbett Park said that to protect elephants from infection, the Mahouts have been banned from going to their home in Ramnagar. Family members also will not be able to meet the Mahouts. Only Mahout and Corbett workers will be able to enter the elephant camp. CTR Director Rahul said that the elephant camp has been sanitized. Minerals and vitamins are being given to increase the immunity of elephants and guard dogs.

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