Copenhagen named world’s safest city as per Economist Intelligence Unit report


Copenhagen port

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has been named the safest city in the world. It has achieved this distinction by surpassing Tokyo, Singapore and Osaka which have topped the previous years. Canada’s Toronto is at number two and Singapore is at number three. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has released the list of 60 safest cities in the world under the Safe Cities Index-2021.

Delhi is ranked 48th and Mumbai 50th among the top 50 cities. In the last index, Delhi was ranked 52nd and Mumbai 45th. A comprehensive study of cities around the world was conducted for the index. The EIU had set out 76 parameters to provide a clear picture of global urban security. These included digital, health, infrastructure, personal and environmental safety. All the cities have been given different scores out of 100 in these five parameters. In view of Corona, the issue of environmental protection was included for the first time this year.

Internet availability and number of trees also important

Net availability and tree cover were also among the parameters set for the study of urban security. What percentage of the city’s population has internet access, information was also taken regarding the smart city plan for cyber security. To check the health status, the presence of doctors on 1000 people in the city was traced.

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Disaster management and emergency system considered necessary for infra security. The expenditure on social assistance for personal security was considered as the basis. The total tree cover (number of trees) in the city and the presence of PM 2.5 particles were considered important for environmental protection.

Three cities of Asia in top 10 cities, Hong Kong unmatched in infra security

There are only three cities in Asia in the top 10 cities. Tokyo, which topped in 2017 and 2019, finished fifth this time. In the latest index, Copenhagen got 82.4 points, while Delhi got 56.1 and Mumbai got 54.4 points. In terms of digital security, Sydney has been better and Tokyo is better in health. Hong Kong’s performance in infra security has been good. Copenhagen has been the best in personal safety, while Wellington has left everyone behind in environmental protection. Pratima Singh, director of the Safe Cities Index project, said that Copenhagen and Toronto have also done a great job regarding the environment.

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