Dehradunuttarakhand news

No respite from heat in coming days in Uttarakhand

The Meteorological Center has issued a warning that in the next three to four days in the plains, the temperature may rise by up to six degrees from Thursday. In the mountainous regions, temperature may increase by four degrees. The Meteorological Department has also issued alerts regarding forest fire. On Wednesday, the maximum temperature was 39 degrees in Dehradun. The day was hot, and for some time hot winds also blew. If the Meteorological Department estimates are correct, then the record of 2012 will be broken. In 2012, the temperature reached 43 degrees Celsius in May. On the other hand, there is a possibility of very light rain in the next 24 hours, especially in mountainous areas, in the state. Earlier, on May 22 and 23, Meteorological Center had expressed the possibility of rain in several districts including Doon, but there is no possibility of rain since May 22 due to change in seasonal cycle. It does not seem likely to give people relief from heat. Bikram Singh, director of the Meteorological Center, told that in Uttarakhand the temperature may rise more around 25 May. Which may lead to more fire in the forests. Therefore, the forest department has also been alerted. Summer fires increase in forests during this season.

Wednesday was the hottest day of the season

On Wednesday, the maximum temperature of Dehradun was 39 degree Celsius. This is the hottest day of the season so far. If the warning of the Meteorological Center is proved right then the temperature will go up to 44 degrees in the next few days. Which will be the maximum in the last ten years.

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