
US in danger of becoming next epicenter of Coronavirus epidemic

The New York city of America, which is among the most high-tech cities in the world, seems to be suffering from the devastation of killer coronavirus. New York City, with a population of about 9 million people, is fast becoming the ‘Wuhan’ of America. So far 8377 people have been found corona positive in New York. Due to Corona’s havoc in America the situation is that 1 in every 5 Americans are ordered to stay indoors.

Living in New York City and working here is the dream of people all over the world, but the Corona crisis has brought this city to a standstill. The sound of sirens is echoing throughout the night in New York City. The whole of America is fighting a war against the invisible coronavirus. Along with this, Corona epidemic has also kept open the preparations made to fight the diseases of America.

Hotel converted into stadium hospital; cases double in 24 hours

Hotels, stadiums and parking spaces in the US have been converted to hospitals and clinics. In view of the increasing rush of corona patients in the country, the Army and National Guard have been deployed in many parts. The coronavirus, which started in Wuhan, China, has caught the whole of New York City. Now this city is becoming a stronghold of this disease. US President Donald Trump has declared New York a major disaster area. The number of corona-infected patients doubled to 8300 in just 24 hours in New York.

The city of New York has received $ 42 billion in funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. So far 43 people have died in the city of New York. This is the first time in US history that the President has had to declare public health a major disaster. US Army Engineers are converting hotels and college hostels into clinics. New York’s civil infrastructure is collapsing, due to which the work of the army is increasing.

After China and European countries, the US is now in danger of becoming a major epicenter of the epidemic. The US has become the fourth most affected country in the world with 26,906 cases of total infections and 348 deaths. The US has overtaken Iran and Germany after nearly 2,500 new cases surfaced on Saturday. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has called on American citizens to stay home and save lives.

New York State alone has 10,356 confirmed cases, of which 6,211 cases are from New York City. While 60 patients have died. In addition, 1,385 cases were reported in Westchester province, 1,234 in Nassao and 662 in Sufolk.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said 45,500 citizens have been screened in New York alone until Saturday. So far, about 16,000 people have been admitted to hospitals. Flights to New York have been halted.

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