Dehradunuttarakhand news

Coronavirus update Uttarakhand 20 April: 2 new cases in Dehradun

Total Case count reaches 46 in Uttarakhand; 18 discharged till date

The influx of new corona patients in the state is showing no signs of pause. On Monday, coronavirus was confirmed in two more people of Dehradun. With this, the figure of corona patients in the state has reached 46. More than half of these 24 patients are from Dehradun district alone.

Additional Secretary Health Yugal Kishore Pant said that out of a total of 109 sample reports received from Haldwani Medical College, AIIMS Rishikesh and Private Lab on Monday, 107 samples were negative, while coronavirus has been confirmed in two patients. Additional Secretary informed that both the corona patients are residents of Azad Colony of Dehradun and are being admitted to the hospital for treatment.

With this, the total number of corona patients in the state has reached 46. So far 18 corona patients have recovered and discharged from various hospitals in the state. He said that samples of a total of 333 patients have been sent from various hospitals in the state on Monday for examination.


Out of this, 146 samples have been sent to Haridwar, 69 US cities, 58 Nainital, 45 samples from Dehradun district, two Chamoli and one from Pauri district for examination. So far, a total of 3677 people have been screened from the state, out of which 3228 patients have been reported negative. While 46 patients have been found to be corona positive. An investigation report of 469 people is awaited, while 567 people have been admitted to hospitals on the basis of suspicion.


Police have sealed the Azad Colony after finding two positives of Corona on Sunday in Dehradun. Preparations are being made to quarantine 21 people who came in contact with them. Four areas have been sealed so far due to Corona in the capital.

Meanwhile, two more corona infected patients have recovered. One belongs from Kanpur and one is from Dehradun. Report came from Haldwani late at night. Today both will be discharged from the hospital. It has been confirmed by Deputy MS and State Coordinator Corona Doctor NS Khatri. Now the number of recovered patients in the state has been 18.

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