
Singapore extends partial lockdown to June 1

The government in Singapore announced Tuesday to extend the partial lockdown to 1 June. The reason for this is the continuous increase in Covid-19 cases. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the extension of the lockdown in his fourth address to the country. Some media reports have said that at the local level the infection was under control but due to migrant laborers, the problems increased.

What is the effect of increasing lockdown?

Singapore has offices of many major companies in the world. They will not be able to open till June 1. However, essential services will continue as before.

What did the Prime Minister say?

According to PM Lee, markets like some hotspots in the country remain troublesome. Even after all the orders, people are gathering as before. He said, “Increasing lockdown is a compulsion. We know that this will cause a lot of damage to businesses and employees. I hope people will understand the present situation. This step has also been taken so that in future we can strengthen our economy more. ”

Community Transmission Threat

Lee admitted that some infected people in the country have been found to have no link. If caution is not taken, community transmission can happen here any time. The Prime Minister addressed the nation on Tuesday, 3 April. Then there was an appeal to give priority to social distancing. Cases were reduced among the local people, but the infection increased rapidly among laborers from other countries living in the dormitories. Some laborers recovering from the infection have been assigned to ships. Lee said, “I assure the migrant laborers that they will also be taken care of like ordinary citizens here.”

What is the reason for the decision immediately?

By Monday, it was believed that Singapore would be relaxed in lockdown. On Tuesday, the decision to increase it suddenly came out. In fact, on Tuesday morning, the Health Ministry confirmed 1111 new patients. 20 of them are native to Singapore. The total infected increased to 9125 with 11 deaths. After this, the Prime Minister announced to increase the lockdown.

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