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Sniffer Dogs being trained to detect corona symptoms in Humans

Training of sniffer dogs to detect coronavirus has been completed in Britain. Now a trial will be started soon to identify corona positive symptoms of the patients, for which the government will spend an amount of four and a half crores.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, if the trial of dogs to identify the symptoms of Covid-19 was successful, it would be considered a historic step in the world of research.

The trial will be led by officials from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Charity Medical Detection Dogs and Durham University. LSHTM professor James Logan has high expectations from this trial.

Dogs capable of detecting 250 cases in 1 hour

Researchers have claimed in the report that if the trial is successful, the dogs will be able to perform virus detection in about 250 people in an hour. In patients whose symptoms are not visible in the body, dogs can also show their miracles there.

In this way, these dogs can be much faster than the testing kit in identifying the corona. A test of corona in the lab takes about 5 to 6 hours. It is reported in several hours after the rest of the process is completed.

It is believed that dogs have the power to smell 10 thousand times faster than humans. Special species of dogs such as Labradors and Cooker Spaniels have also previously worked to detect diseases like cancer, malaria and Parkinson’s in the human body.

Professor Steve Lindsay of Durham University had told that dogs can prove to be very effective in preventing the corona virus disease from reappearing. For the detection of harmful objects and illegal substances dogs are deployed in sensitive public places like airports. Dogs have the ability to sniff out drugs and explosives.

Some diseases related to breathing activities are also known to change their ordor, so this will be a big challenge in this trial. However, it will not be easy for the virus to escape from the dog’s nose.

Research has told that the nose of dogs is so sensitive in recognizing the smell that if you dissolve a spoonful of sugar in the Olympic size swimming pool, then these dogs can easily detected it.


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