
WHO calls for emergency meet after Corona cases double in last 6 weeks

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the pandemic of Coronavirus has been steadily increasing globally and the number of infected has doubled in the last six weeks. WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said 16 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the world by the United Nations Health Agency, of which more than 6,40,000 people have died. Tedros will call a WHO emergency committee meeting on Thursday. It is a procedural requirement to call a meeting six months after the Coronavirus was declared a public health emergency with global concerns in January. The committee will advise them on this pandemic.

Speaking to reporters at the WHO headquarters in Geneva on Monday, he said, ‘Covid-19 has changed the world. Tedros said, “It has brought people, communities and countries together and also separated them.” He underlined that in some countries factors such as political leadership, education, high screening rate, cleanliness and social distance have proved effective. Tedros said, “We are not hostages to the pademic and each of us can bring change.”

Corona’s havoc in the world

Significantly, 2 lakh 16 thousand new cases of infection were reported on Sunday, after which the total cases have increased to more than 1.64 million. In the last 24 hours, 4100 people died, after which the figure of total deaths has increased to 6 lakh 51 thousand. More than 55 thousand new cases have been reported in America, 50 thousand in India, 23 thousand in Brazil and 11 thousand in South Africa.

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