Chamoliuttarakhand news

Portals of Badrinath closed for winters

The doors of Badrinath Dham were closed for the winter season at 6.45 pm on Saturday evening. With this, the Chardham Yatra of Uttarakhand Himalaya also halted for the winters A record 4366 devotees were present in the Dham on the occasion of closure of the doors. Now during the winter, the darshan of Lord Badri Narayan will be held at the Badri Temple, Pandukeshwar. On the other hand, along with Badrinath Dham, the doors of Bhavishya Badri Dham located in Subhai village were also closed for the winter.

The process of closing the doors of Badrinath Dham, located in Chamoli district at an altitude of 10276 feet above sea level, had started in the morning. After the daily prayers, bhog was offered to the deity. Although the doors of the temple are kept closed for some time after the midday bhog, but on the occasion of closing of the doors remain open throughout the day. To make this day memorable, the temple was decorated with 20 quintals of marigold and other species of flowers.

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