
Doon’s students activist group celebrates Sunday with residents of Raphael Home

MAD organizes an entertainment programme for residents of Raphael Home

Making A Difference by Being the Difference (MAD) organized a fun-filled entertainment programme for the residents of Raphael Home on Sunday. MAD, which has done many similar activities of this kind, got a splendid response from the youngsters of the Doon Valley for this activity. As many as 40 students turned up from various schools and colleges of the city. “We had decided to organize this activity immediately after our paint for awareness activity. The youth is so busy in their own lives that we completely ignore those less fortunate people who have not enjoyed the full benevolence of the almighty, as much as we have. So we thought it is time we bring some happiness in their lives; even though it might last only for a few hours” narrated Saurav Joshi, a young MAD volunteer.

Maddians first assembled at their meeting point on Astley Hall and then moved to Raphael Home with balloons, roses, sweets, gifts and drawing files. “Our idea was to make everyone participate and active! So we had discussed with the (Raphael Home) authorities that we would like to conduct a drawing and painting competition among the students” explains Kashika Mahant, a class 10 student and a devout Maddian. After a brief interaction with the residents of the place, soon arrangements were underway to facilitate the competition. The youngsters were ecstatic to note the active response they were getting from their hosts. All of them were very happy about the competition and were quick to slip into the mould of painting; which to them was a world of their own; deprived of the inequalities which exist here on planet Earth. As the painting competition was underway, Arnav was busy inflating the balloons and was handing them over to those who were not in a position to participate. MAD core members Shardul, Saurabh Nautiyal, Karan Kapoor were busy decorating the hall inside for the plans to follow.

After the competition was over, the participants were taken inside the Hall for refreshments which had been arranged by the MAD members. A thorough dance session was also organized. Prachi, Sonal and Gagan from MAD played an important role in organizing the same.

As the clock struck 1 pm and it was time for lunch for the hosts, the guests handed over the prizes to the winners and hence concluded the activity. After the activity some core Maddians stayed back to discuss their plans for the coming Sunday. “For us in MAD, every Sunday is special. We have been conducting something or the other since our formation on June 8, 2011. It (Sunday) is an opportunity for us to take out time from our busy schedules and do something soul satisfying. We always declare our activities well in advance on our facebook group so that anyone who is interested in joining us can do so at ease” concludes an avid Maddian.

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