These trains to be cancelled from Dehradun for next 3 days

Due to the ongoing work on the railway track, eight trains running from Doon will remain canceled for the next three days. In such a situation, it would be better to travel only after getting complete information about the concerned train.
Due to incessant rains in the past, the operation of trains has been disrupted due to water-logging at many places along with heavy debris on the railway track. The work of removing debris and repairing the track is being done on the railway track. Due to which Kathgodam Express, Janata Express, Mussoorie Express, Naini Janshatabdi Express, Amritsar Express, Link Express, Upasana and Janshatabdi Express running from Dehradun will remain canceled from 15 to 17 July.
Station Superintendent Shashank Sharma said, work is to be done on the routes of all these eight trains from July 15 to 17. Due to which these trains will not be able to operate. Instructing the passengers, said that to avoid any problem, travel should be done only after getting the information about the train.
Five trains including Vande Bharat left from Doon
Passengers got a big relief when five trains including Vande Bharat Express left from Doon on Friday after the work of removing debris from the track was completed. Due to the cancellation of trains for the last few days, the passengers had to face a lot of trouble. Vande Bharat Express, Shatabdi Express, Ujjaini Express, Nanda Devi Express and Dehradun – Amritsar Express left from Doon on Friday.