
Young couple in love meet with gruesome end

Boyfriend hangs self after slitting throat of girlfriend

A one and a half year old love story of a young couple in Dehradun met with a sad and shocking end. Their love blossomed for almost two years. Then suddenly suspicion entered in their relationship leading to their gruesome death death. In the wake of infidelity, a young man first slit the throat of his girlfriend on Tuesday, after which he committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan. Regional officer Mussoorie BS Chauhan said that in the immediate investigation, it was discovered that this couple were lovers. The identity of the girl identified as Kashish Mann (19) and the boy was found in the form of Krishna Malhotra (22) resident Canal Road, Dehradun. The flat in which this incident took place belongs to Krishna’s brother-in-law Paramveer (Nikki).
According to the reason ascertained behind the incident, is Kashish was getting closer to a young man living in her neighborhood. When Krishna saw Kashish and the young man together one day, he lost his temper. It is being told that there was a dispute between the two on this issue several times. Krishna’s brother-in-law said he tried to talk about the issue with the youngster two days ago.
But, there was no result of it. On Tuesday, Krishna called Kashish in the flat and murdered her. After this he also tried to cut his own wrists. Looking at the blood lying in the room, it is believed that he kept roaming in the room for a long time. Then he took a cable wire from the tool box and hanged himself from the fan.
On Tuesday night, flat owner Paramveer alias Nikki called the police. He told that he reached the flat at the Jakhan’s Infinity Enclave at 8:30 pm, the door was locked from inside. Many times, even after banging the door, no voice was coming from inside.
They feared the worst. When the police reached the spot, and opened the door of the flat, the sight of the front remained shocked everyone. The body of a young man was hung from the fan. A girl’s body was lying on the bed in front of his right.
Her neck was slashed with a sharp weapon. The blood from his wrist and the wrist on the throat was clotted on the floor. In this sense, it appears that the incident happened sometime in the afternoon.

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