Kashmir’s earthquake prone seismic gap re-activates after 550 years
Although the people did not pay much attention the 4.6 magnitude earthquake,that struck Kashmir’s sambhal area on Sept 23rd , it has certainly put scientists in worry. The incident of low intensity earthquake is considered to be serious in many ways. According to scientists, this earthquake has come in ‘Seismic Gap of Kashmir’, where no such geological phenomenon has been observed for more than five centuries.
According to scientists, the Kashmir seismic gap has been active after more than five and a half hundred years. Continuous pressure is increasing within the ground due to the downfall of Tibetan plates of Indian Plate. This has led to this area being in the vulnerable zone. Now, due to this earthquake, scientists have been suspected of an earthquake of more than eight intensity earthquake here.
It is believed that the ‘seismic gap’ is filling energy in the area. The area of ’seismic gap’ has become more sensitive to earthquake. Due to the Indian Plate’s erosion, pressure on this is increasing, resulting in the possibility of the erosion of the geological plate. Dr. Sushil Kumar, president of Geodynamics at Wadia, says that the energy gathered in this ‘seismic gap’ has not been released, which is likely to ‘burst’.