
Is herd immunity a solution against novel coronavirus?

The World Health Organization states that “until a coronavirus vaccine is developed, social distancing is the most effective way to avoid it.” But a section of scientists is constantly talking about controlling the virus through herd immunity. Most countries affected by the Coronavirus infection have chosen a lockdown route to effectively implement social distancing, but some scientists are challenging this mainstream selection, saying “how long can the virus be hidden ? “

In view of the stalled industry and sluggish economies caused by the lockdown, these scientists argue that “before starvation becomes a bigger problem, we should think about developing a herd immunity by ‘surgical strikes’ against the coronavirus . ” But there are currently more critics of the idea who believe that it may threaten the lives of many people.

What is Herd immunity?

According to this scientific idea, if a disease spreads to a large part of a group, then the immunity of a human being helps the infected people in fighting that disease. Those who are completely cured after fighting the disease become ‘immune’ to that disease, that is, they develop immunological properties.

Immunity means that the person got an infection and then his immunity created anti-bodies capable of fighting the virus. As more people become immune, the risk of spreading the infection decreases. This also indirectly protects those who are neither infected nor immune to that disease.

Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer of the American Heart Association, has tried to explain this in his blog. He writes, “If most people of a herd of humans become immune to the virus, it is very difficult for the virus to reach others in the middle of the herd and its spread stops after a period.”

But this process takes time. Also, the idea of ​​’herd immunity’ usually comes when the safety of vulnerable people is ensured with the help of a vaccination program. ” It is estimated that herd immunity against Covid-19 in a community can develop only after about 60 percent of the population has been infected with the corona virus and immunized by fighting it.

Is herd immunity a possibility in India?

Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan, director of the Washington-based Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy and senior research scholar at Princeton University, USA, has tried to explain this in the Indian context. He believes that “India can move towards controlling Covid-19 instead of continuing the lockdown and waiting for the coronavirus vaccine, which is possible through the scientific concept of herd immunity.”

Dr Ramanan Lakshminarayan told the BBC, “If 65 percent of the population of India gets infected with the coronavirus, even if they have mild or no symptoms during the infection, then the remaining 35 percent of the population will also be protected against Covid-19. ” But is it possible without endangering the country’s elderly and already suffering from diabetes or heart disease?

In response, Dr. Ramanan says, “India’s demography can prove to be the biggest force in this situation. 65 per cent of the population in India is under 35 years old and only 6 per cent of people are over 65 years of age whereas in Italy 22 per cent and 10 per cent in China are in high risk age group, ie over 65 years of age. “

“In most cases of infection in young people, either the patient is getting mild symptoms or there are no symptoms in them. If this section is exposed to the coronavirus in a limited way, then hospitals in India may not have to bear that much burden of patients. ”

‘India can save the elderly on the strength of youth’

Dr. Ramanan Lakshminarayana also gives some suggestions in this regard. He says, “To do this, India will have to increase its testing capacity, so that the areas where we want to limit Covid-19 can be quickly detected and those in need of health services, they can be given these services as soon as possible. Also, you have to take care of social distancing and cleanliness. ”

Doctor Ramanan also considers anti-body testing necessary to detect those in which antibodies to fight Covid-19 have been developed. He says, “I think the lockdown has postponed the Covid-19 peak in India for a month. We should use this time to understand how we will reach our objective. “

“We have to strengthen health services rapidly and also understand that we cannot spend our whole life under the shadow of Covid-19. So even if the lockdown opens, then we have to take special care of social distancing, wearing mask etc. Talking of herd immunity, India can save its elders on the strength of its youth, but what can be the risks in achieving immunity, only time can tell. ”

‘No guarantee of herd immunity’

But the statement of the World Health Organization’s top emergency expert Mike Ryan questions the theory of herd immunity in relation to the coronavirus. In a recent World Health Organization press conference, Mike said that ‘it cannot be said with certainty that those people who have been infected with the new corona virus and the antibodies that have formed in their body after recovering, they should Will you be able to prevent infection with this virus or not.

Mike said, “According to the information so far, only very few of those who have recovered completely from Covid-19 have made antibodies. Even if they are considered effective, there are very few indications that the majority of people in a community develop antibodies after the disease, and the remaining people will benefit from herd immunity. ”

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