Railway recruitment board announces vacancies for JE posts
The Railway Recruitment Board had recently announced recruitment for the posts of Junior Engineer posts, for which the process for applying will start soon. This is another recruitment drive after starting the application process for Group-C and D posts on behalf of Railways. Interested candidates can apply for it on the official website.
Applications for total 14033 posts have been invited for recruitment. At the same time, the number of posts of candidates is decided on the basis of each post.
In these posts applications have been invited for Junior Engineer, Junior Engineer IT, Depot Material and Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant post. According to the notification, the last date for applying for these posts is January 31, 2019. For this, candidates can apply from the beginning of January.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Computer Written Examination (CBT). The selected candidates can be appointed in any state of the country. Candidates who will be selected will be given a pay scale of Rs 35,400. Candidates who have passed B.Tech, Diploma and BSc can apply for these posts. In order to apply, candidates of General / OBC class will have to pay Rs. 500 and Rs. 250 / – for candidates of SC / ST / PH category.