
Researcher claims over 77 million email id & passwords hacked

After the biggest data leak case came in front of the year 2018, the biggest data leak of this year has come out in the beginning of the new year. This data leak has been revealed by the researcher Troy Hunt ( On the website of Troy Hunt, it has been reported that 773 million e-mail IDs, and 21 million i.e. 2.1 crore passwords have been hacked. It is being described as a great database. Troy Hunt has released it as ‘Collection # 1’.

Hunt Confirms E-Mail Id Hack

On the website Hunt has said, ‘Collection # 1 is a total of 2,692,818,238 passwords and email addresses. It is the data stolen from thousands of millions of users worldwide through different means. According to Troy, many people contacted him in the past and informed about a large file collection of the popular cloud service MEGA. There are more than 12,000 different files in this document having a size of 87GB. Confirming this, Hunt said, ‘I found that my personal data was on it and was quite right. Although my password was old, which I used to use a few years ago. ‘

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