Dehradunuttarakhand news

Apne Sapne fights for the cause of teachers


Apne Sapne Society yesterday took out a poster campaign to create awareness about the arbitrariness of the private schools as well as the sorry state of the government schools in the state capital on Tuesday. It has been reported that rally for the struggle for education campaign is going to take place in 25th March. Almost 20 different groups and organizations are expected to take part in the rally. Members of the Apne Sapne society too had pledged in their support for the campaign and thus all the members and volunteers of the organization put out flyers, banners etc to create awareness about the campaign.

The posters that were put up by the members of Apne Sapne were all hand made by them. Teachers of Clement town region pitched into support in the awareness campaign. The teachers were miffed because their school (in the same locality) had started demanding money from them in the name of collecting funds for a new building. The very purpose of the campaign is to shed light into the plight faced by these teachers and their peers throughout the city.
Arun Kumar Yadav, Chairman of Apne Sapne said that the society works to provide education for the unprivileged children and that they themselves were a victim of this attitude by the private schools as they face a gauntlet of challenges while trying to admit the children of Apne Sapne in any private institution in the city.

Vice Chairman Priyanka Aneja too echoed in the statement by saying such types of movements have become a necessity. These antics by the school administration prove to be a double blow for the teachers who are already suffering under the ever rising inflation.
All the volunteers were allotted different areas of the city by society secretary Deepak Kothiyal with just one goal: to reach out to the maximum number of people.
Arun Kumar Yadav (chairman), Priyanka Aneja (Vice Chairman), Deepak Kothiyal (Secretary), Vikas Chauhan (Deputy Secretary), Chandreshekhar (treasurer), priyanka negi, manisha, deep prakash pant, mani saaraswat, himanshu and other members of the society were all present on the occasion.

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