Dehradunuttarakhand news

Uttarakhand Flood relief scam: Officers party on relief money

Records show officers pampering themselves with lavish five star course meals, staying in luxury hotels

A RTI reply on the Uttarakhand floods has shed light on disturbing facts on the misuse of money allocated for disaster relief. When lakhs of people in flood-ravaged Uttarakhand went hungry during the 2013 disaster, officials of the state government indulged themselves with mutton chops, chicken, milk and cottage cheese in the course of their Rs 7,000 per day hotel stay supervising relief efforts.

Diesel powered two wheelers used for the rescue operations

The records further reveal payments made for diesel powered two wheelers, Rupees 194 billed for half a litre milk, 1800 raincoats being purchased for three days from one shop alone. A payment of Rs 98 lakh towards fuel purchase to a helicopter company was also found in the RTI.

Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the matter will be looked into. Uttarakhand State Information Commissioner Anil Sharma recommended a CBI probe into the matter.

Relief Work began before the tragedy!

If the great government officials are to be believed then the flood relief works began in Pithoragarh on 22nd January 2013, six months before the tragedy struck. Another record shows relief work beginning on 28th December 2013 and ending on 16th November 2013. Now until and unless the officials in Uttarakhand became soothsayers or invented a time machine, the RTI reply prove that the officals splurged money at the expense of peoples misery.

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