Hong Kong protesters take up bow and arrow to combat tear gas


These days the streets of Hong Kong have become a battle ground between protesters and the cops.

People protesting here these days are attacking the Hong Kong police with the bow and arrow in response to the tear gas being shelled on them. Hong Kong police personnel are also injured by this arrow attack by protesters. The Hong Kong police has also tweeted some such pictures from its twitter handle to reveal how deadly the archers command of the protesters are injuring the police.

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Why the protests in Hong Kong

In protest against the law in Hong Kong, millions of protesters are taking to the streets again and again, according to the proposed law, China will have the right to extradite any Hong Kong runaway citizen. The law is seen as a threat to human rights and democracy as the U.N., the United States and many reputed institutions including Taiwan had already warned China about the law. There have been massive protests in the country ever since the law was drafted.

Protesters are present on the cross tunnel

Hong Kong police and protesters opposing extradition law are witnessing a face-to-face battle over the cross tunnel. The Hong Kong police also released tear gas shells to remove the protesters who had gathered near the tunnel here on Sunday morning and tried to drive them away but the protesters are not ready to move from here. They too are preparing to not move away from this place. The protesters have captured the Kawloon Polytechnic University here, from here they are facing the police. At the same time, pro-government people gathered near the university campus to remove the blockers. At this place, there was a clash between the protesters and the police force in the night and debris was spread there. This tunnel is extremely important for Hong Kong because it has been closed since Tuesday.

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