
US President Trump agrees climate change not a rumor

US President Donald Trump reversed his old claims, describing the climate change as a rumor, but he said that it is not an permanent effect and “there will be a change” in the climate. In the interview of CBS News program ’60 minutes’, Trump accused the scientists of creating a “big political agenda” and reiterated that he would not want to see damange to the reputation of USA in the name of work to stop climate change. America is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
On asking if he still considers climate change as a rumor, Trump said, “I think something is happening. Something is changing and it will change again. I do not think this is a rumor, I think there is probably a difference. But I do not know that it is all due to human activitires. “

The American president said, “I will say this. I do not want to give thousands of billions of dollars. I can not lose millions of jobs I do not want to be in a hurry.” Trump, who once called climate change rumor, had pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement in June 2017. He claimed that in the Paris agreement between more than 190 countries, nations such as India and China have been unfairly benefited while the US economy and jobs are in danger.

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