
Google to change algorithm to promote original news source

Google has announced a change in its algorithm, saying that now original reporting will be given prominence in the results of Google search. Google, the world’s largest search engine, was criticized by media organizations, especially for its algorithms. Algorithms are a set of instructions that a computer follows. Newspapers often blame Google’s algorithm for declining online traffic and industry.

Richard Gingras, Google’s vice president of news affairs, wrote in a blog explaining the changes that news that would be critically important, boosting the workforce would be promoted. He wrote on Thursday that the articles that contained original, in-depth and investigative reporting would be rated by critics as the maximum.

These reviewers are roughly 10,000 people and their feedback helps Google develop its algorithm. Now the publisher’s reputation for original reporting will also be emphasized during the review. For example, reports of the institute receiving the Pulitzer Prize will be promoted more. It is yet to be seen how these changes affect news institutions, especially on smaller online sites and local newspapers.

Technology website TechCrunch has said that it is also very difficult to decide what basic reporting is – many online institutions create scoops or exclusives based on their original information, but the complexity of the algorithm can cause them problems.

Another technical publication, The Verge, wrote that by placing too much emphasis on original content, the competition to get breaking news in online portals without verification can be increased. These changes have come at a time when Google is facing criticism for its impact on the news media.

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