
Google achieves Quantum Supremacy

Google has announced that the company has acquired Quantum Supremacy. Some time ago, Google’s paper linked to it was leaked on the Internet, since then Quantum supremacy has been making rounds in the news. Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed excitement by tweeting about it.

Google has published a new article in the popular scientific journal Nature. The company has made big claims in this and computing can change it completely. It was being worked on for two decades and finally now Google has got success in it. Quantum Supremacy can completely replace traditional computing.

A New York Times report quotes the University of Texas computer scientist, who has reviewed this paper released by Google. He states, ‘When Wright Brothers invented the plane flight in 1903, it was not a useful airplane, but it was designed so that the point could be delivered and it provided the point’

Overall, the matter is that Quantum Supremacy may not be used yet, but in the coming times it may change the methods of computing. The method of such computing is quite different from traditional computing. 0 and 1 are used in traditional computing, but this has also been replaced by Quantum Supremacy.

Google says that the 54-qubit Sycamore processor has done that calculation in just 200 seconds, which can be done by the traditional and most powerful supercomputers in the world in 10,000 years.

Google has said that the company has worked hard to achieve this milestone and after almost two decades it has been successful.

IBM doubts Google!

Simply put, Google has claimed that it is much faster than traditional supercomputers. Now obviously it will be compared to supercomputers. IBM is far ahead in terms of supercomputers and IBM has tried to justify Google’s claim in a way.

IBM has said that Google’s claim that a supercomputer will take 10,000 years to do this type of calculation is not correct. Because super computers can perform this task in just 2.5 days.

Sundar Pichai said in a tweet, ‘I am excited about what Quantum Computing can do in the future. It gives us a way to speak a new language, so that the world can be understood better, not just from 1 and 0, but with all its states – beautiful, complex and limitless possibilities.’

How are ordinary computers and quantum computers different?

In normal computers, information is stored in bits. The value of these bits can be either 0, then 1. But the quantum system works differently than this. Here they are equal. Here instead of bit, information are stored in quantum bit ie qubit and they can be 0 or 1 together.

What is quantum supremacy?

Quantum Supermacy is a kind of capability that can solve problems that do not belong to traditional computers. No matter how complicated the problem may be, it can be solved through quantum supremacy. Quantum computers are not like desktops or laptops. They are in separate parts, which are kept in the server room.

Common computers process an information in 1 and 0, it can be called bits. Talking about supercomputers, they carry out several thousand trillion operations in one second, which is much more than the capacity of ordinary computers. As far as Quantum Computer is concerned, they work on quantum bits, which you can also call quibits.

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