
Scientists discover new material which could help build quantum computers

Superfast ‘quantum computers’, considered to be the future of the computer world, can solve problems many times faster than normal computers, so this is all awaited. But these computers are not ready yet. Now American scientists have discovered a new material that can help in making quantum computers. Through these computers people can encrypt complex calculations and data more securely. They can also predict the spread of viruses in computer systems.

Euphon Lee, a postdoctoral fellow at John Hopkins University in the US, said, ‘We found that some superconducting materials (such materials work very fast) have special properties, which can become a strong foundation pillar for future technology. ‘

He said that the computers that we currently have use bits through electrical voltage to store information. In this, the data is kept in zero or one form. While quantum computers are based on the laws of quantum mechanics. In this, data is stored on the basis of quantum bits or cubits. The information contained in cubits can be in both form, which greatly increases the computation speed.

In the study published in the journal Science, the researchers said, “This ability of cubits makes quantum computers more powerful than existing computers when solving problems, and it can easily solve the problems of artificial intelligence, cryptography. And weather can also be predicted accurately.” Physics professor at John Hopkins University Su Chia-Ling Chien said there is such capacity in new materials, said it could help to develop quantum computers. After these are ready, problems related to computing will be resolved quickly.

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