
Twitter to remove accounts inactive for more than 6 months

Twitter is going to delete such accounts from December 11, which have been active for the last 6 months. That is, they have not been opened during this time. Or the user has not done any work like post, retweet. In this regard, Twitter told Verge that initially those accounts that have been registered outside the US will be closed.

Twitter’s ‘Inactive Account Policy’

There is already an ‘Inactive Account Policy’ on Twitter. According to this policy, if a user creates an account on Twitter, but does not do any activity in it for 6 months. That is, it does not login or post, then it will be deleted by assuming it is inactive.

Twitter has said that there are many accounts that have not had any activity for more than 6 months. If these accounts are not activated by logging in, then they will be deleted permanently. The aim is to improve Twitter through this process.

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