
No trains to be operated from Dehradun railway station for two months

No trains will be able to operate from Dehradun station for two months. Most of the trains will be operated from Haridwar. Some trains will run from Harrawala station. This will be done due to the work of platform number five of Dehradun.

However, the railway has not yet released the schedule of the traffic block. Five number platform is being constructed from the Singhal Mandi side under the expansion of Dehradun railway station. This work is now in the final stage.

Connecting it to the main track is also in the final stages. Since there is a single rail track between Haridwar-Dehradun, due to this work, it will not be possible to operate rail traffic on the other platforms as well as the main track.

18 trains operate in a day

Ganesh Chand, director of Doon railway station, told that the work of number five platform is in the final stage. Officials of Moradabad Railway Division have been informed about this. A schedule of traffic blocks will be released soon.

From Dehradun railway station usually around 18 trains operate in a day. Apart from this, several trains like Chennai, Indore, Rafti Ganga and Upasana Express are weekly.

Trains were facing difficulty due to limited capacity of the platform at Doon station. In such a situation, many trains have to be returned from Haridwar itself. After the number five platform is created, the number of trains will be increased.

10 thousand passengers travel every day

Every day around 10 thousand passengers travel in different trains from Doon station. Approximately three thousand passengers go to Dehradun daily in reservation class coaches of these trains and about four thousand passengers in general class coaches.

Whereas trains reaching Doon from different stations also have the same number of passengers. That is, in the event of a traffic block, about 10 thousand passengers will face trouble for two months.

Pressure will increase at Haridwar and Harrawala station

If there is a traffic block in Doon, apart from Haridwar, some trains are operated from Harrawala, the pressure will increase on both these stations. In this situation, the scheduled time of departure and arrival of many trains can also be changed.


Also Read : 12 trains to be cancelled from Oct 13-22 due to expansion works

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