
Traffic woes increase over the weekend in Nainital, Mussoorie

As soon as the summer holidays in schools began, the valleys of Doon have started getting packed with tourists. A huge crowd was seen at various tourist places on Saturday. The jungle camps and resorts in the vicinity of the hill stations looked completely full. Due to increased pressure of tourist vehicles, traffic jam situation also arose.

As the heat increases, people from different states are moving to the mountains along with their families. On Saturday, people gathered in many areas including Sahastradhara, Maldevta, Lachhiwala, Guchhupani (Robbers Cave). Along with the local people of Dehradun, tourists from Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh also came to visit.

The largest crowd was seen in Sahastradhara and Guchhupani. Business has also increased due to the influx of tourists, due to which businessmen are happy. The tourist crowd is expected to increase in June.

People remained troubled due to traffic jam

As the movement of tourists increased on Saturday, traffic jams occurred at tourist places. Gucchupani and Sahastradhara faced the most problems. Due to narrow Gucchupani road, drivers faced problems. Due to the bad condition of the road in Sahastradhara, people had to face traffic jams throughout the day.

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