
Video of large crowd seen in narrow caves of Gucchupani raises questions

Gucchu Pani i.e. Robbers Cave is quite famous spot for those who visit Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand. While passing through the path made between the narrow rocks, a stream of water flows below. Amidst the scorching heat, a video of this place is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which a large number of tourists are seen passing through the narrow path. Many users felt suffocated while watching it. People have also raised questions about it.

A video of Gucchupani cave of Dehradun, Uttarakhand has surfaced. However, it is not clear which date this video is from. It can be seen in it that hundreds of tourists have reached there together and are trying to get out of the narrow place between those two hills. The people were all seen crossing the cave in a queue. The traffic situation in the area is no different with long vehicle queues a common sight on weekends and holidays.

‘Suffocating just by watching it’

After this video went viral, users on social media are raising questions on the administration. On this video of Gucchupani cave, users are targeting the administration and asking questions. One user wrote – Is the administration sleeping? Such a huge crowd was allowed to go to such a place, is this how you promote tourism? Another user wrote – Sad! There is no restriction by the administration on this careless crowd! Another user wrote – It is suffocating to see this.

The cave made of natural limestone is known for its natural beauty, mysterious atmosphere. There are many stories about this cave. The first is that it is also called the cave of dacoits. During the British period, dacoits used to hide here. At this time, people are going for a walk on the mountains to get relief from the sticky heat and humidity.

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