New SOP in Uttarakhand issued giving relief to political parties for campaigning
Political parties have been given relief in election campaign in Uttarakhand. The government has included the exemption given by the Election Commission regarding the election campaign in the Covid ban implemented in the state. A revised SOP has been issued in this regard.
Key Points of SOP
-Political parties/candidates have been allowed to campaign from 8 am to 8 pm only.
-Indoor meetings organized by political parties/candidates will be permitted to hold 50 percent of the maximum capacity of the hall and outdoor meetings with 30 percent of the open space capacity.
-Rally can be organized by political parties/candidates only in the open places marked by the district administration. The capacity of the places will be decided by the district administration and all the concerned political parties/candidates will be informed in this regard. During the rally/meeting on behalf of the organizers, it will be ensured to strictly follow the covid protocol, such as physical distancing, wearing of masks and hand sanitizing etc. Strict action will be ensured against the concerned for violating the above.