
First Covid-19 vaccine administered in the US

In a much awaited news amongst the Americans and the world amidst increasing cases of coronavirus. US President Donald Trump has tweeted that the first dose of Corona vaccine has been given in the US. With this, the largest vaccination campaign in American history has also started. Trump has tweeted that the dose of the first vaccine has been given.

In the US, on Monday morning, a nurse was given the first dose of the Corona Virus Vaccine, prepared by Pfizer and BioNtech. About 3 lakh people have lost their lives due to Corona virus infection in America.

In his speech late Friday, US President Donald Trump said the drug manufacturer Pfizer and Moderna’s Corona vaccine was safe and effective, saying that the country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the vaccine under emergency use.

Significantly, a week ago Britain became the first country in the world to approve Pfizer’s Corona vaccine. A priority vaccination campaign has begun in the UK. More than 2.94 lakh people have died so far due to its infection in the US, which is severely battling the global pandemic Corona virus (Covid-19). America ranks first on the list of Corona-affected countries in the world.

Pfizer CEO Albert Baurla said he would also be among the first few people to take the vaccine. He said, “If the CEO of the vaccine company takes it, then people will have increased confidence in the vaccine. A truck carrying the first consignment of the Covid-19 vaccine came out of Pfizer’s manufacturing plant in Michigan on Sunday. The US drug regulator had approved the use of the vaccine on Friday. Vaccine supplements will be delivered to a total of 636 hospitals and clinics by next week.

South Korea to shut down schools as cases rise

South Korea has decided to close schools in Seoul, the country’s capital, from December 15 to 31 in view of rising corona virus cases.

Reportedly, corona virus infection is spreading in Seoul and surrounding areas rapidly. Here measures like social distancing are proving insufficient to prevent corona virus infection.

Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has said that the situation of rising infection needs to be reviewed carefully. The growing pandemic has put pressure on the government to take some more stringent measures. It is believed that if the situation remains the same, Asia’s fourth largest economy may face a lockdown.

Amid the devastation caused by Corona, many large vaccine companies are busy making vaccines for this pandemic. Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine is likely to be released in the UK by the end of this year. Researchers say it may be released before Christmas. However, the vaccine from Oxford and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has not yet received approval for use in the UK. The Regulatory Agency with Medicine and Healthcare Products (MHRA) is still reviewing trial data.

The government has prepared 100 million doses of the vaccine. This is the vaccine that gives the world the most hope. Oxford University, pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India are co-producing it. In such a situation, it is also big news for India. Its phase-3 trial has also been completed. The trial was completed at Oxford University and The Jenner Institute.

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