
Case registered against Uttarkashi EO for dumping waste in Bhagirathi

In the case of garbage dumping in Bhagirathi river, the Forest Department has registered a case against the Executive Officer (EO) of the Nagar Palika Badahat (Uttarkashi). Along with this, the Forest Department has also started investigating the matter.

In Uttarkashi, the municipality has no trenching ground. Where the municipality was putting garbage, the waste was going away from the river Bhagirathi. In late November, the High Court banned garbage dumping here. After this the municipality began dump garbage in Azad Maidan. On November 30 last night, the municipality took the filled waste trucks in Azad Maidan and threw the garbage in the river Bhagirathi.

Divisional Forest Officer Sandeep Kumar said that in the Bhagirathi river where garbage was thrown, this place comes in the Dunda Range of the Forest Division. Therefore, a lawsuit has been registered against the executive officer of municipality Badahat and others in Dunda Range Office under the Forest Act. He informed that in this case Van Daroga has been appointed as the Investigation Officer. After this the chargesheet will be filed in the court.
On the other hand Gangotri MLA Gopal Rawat also on Monday inspected the area from where the waste was thrown. MLA Gopal Rawat said that municipal officials have made fun of Sanitary Mission and Ganga Cleanliness Campaign. He told DM and ADM that the case should be filed against the responsible officers.

Sushil Kumar Kuril (EO Municipality Badahat) says that the cleaning inspector had been instructed that the garbage should be thrown in the trenching ground of Badahat municipality. But, how was the garbage was dump in the area of ​​Nalupani? The reply of the cleaning inspector has been summoned.

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