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Research finds whole grains better for heart than refined grains

New research on refined grain has shed light of its impact on heart. Research says, refined grains like maida cause heart disease and increase the risk of death by 27 percent. If you include such food in the diet daily, then the risk of heart disease is 33 percent and the risk of stroke is up to 47 percent. This claim has been made by scientists at the University of Canada.

Research done on over 1 lakh people

Research results on 1.37 lakh people in the upper and middle income groups for 16 years show the extent to which they cause harm. The grain was divided into three parts for research. Refined grain, whole grain and white rice. Research revealed that white rice and whole grains did not show any harm in people, but the effect of refined grains showed. The risk of death and diseases can be reduced by reducing the amount of refined grains in the diet.

What is refined grain, why does it harm, which food is better for health?

What is a refined grain?

It undergoes a processing to produce the product from the grain. Due to which its fiber and nutrients are destroyed. These products are called refined grains. Such as maida, bread prepared from it, pasta, added sugar.

Why is it dangerous?

Another research says that by consuming these things prepared after processing, nutrients do not reach the body. They are used extensively in preparing different types of dishes worldwide. It is easily digested due to the extremely low fiber content in the refined grain. As a result, a person eats more due to hunger. Therefore, they work to increase obesity and blood sugar level.

3 food habits that will reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke

1. Eat bread mixed with bajara jowar instead of wheat

Instead of wheat bread, eat bread made with millet, jowar or ragi or flour. They are more beneficial for the heart. Eat less sweet fruits like mango, chiku. Instead, eat less sweet fruits like papaya, kiwi, apple, orange.

2. Keep the amount of sugar in the diet low

Do not avoid fried and sweet things completely, but keep their quantity less. If you have eaten a gulab jamun, then do not eat anything else sweet for at least a week or reduce the amount of sugar in the tea and make up for it.

3. Eat 20 percent less than hunger

Eat 20% less than what you are hungry for. Keep a digital weighing machine at home. Do weight checks daily in the morning. If you have more weight than yesterday, then maintain it today, by eating or exercising. Do not leave it for tomorrow.

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