Voter camp across the state on 17th May

Radha Raturi, Principal Secretary and Chief Election Officer, Uttarakhand informed that as per the directives of Election Commision of India, a camp for the voters will be held across the 10344 polling booths in the state. The said camp will be held on 17th May, 2015 which is a Sunday so as to ensure maximum convenience to the public. Any registered voter can look up his/her details in voters list through this camp and ensure that all the details are correct. The voters can also register their Aadhar number, mobile number and email id with their respective BLO. The BLO should also be contact in case of any discrepancy in the list. Those citizens who have turned 18 on or after 01 January 2015 and whose name is not on the list can apply for their card.
Smt. Raturi further said that the Election Commision of India had launched a nationwide program “National Electoral Rolls Purification and Authentication Program (NERPAP)” on 3rd March 2015, with the primary objective of linking the EPIC data with the UDAI, so as to remove duplicate voters from the list. Rectifying any discrepancy like details/photograph etc was another objective of the program. She hoped that the public participated in large numbers to make the program a success.