
Dairy business becomes a means of improving the livelihood of farmers in Rudraprayag district

Milk production is continuously increasing in Rudraprayag district as per government data. Due to the increasing demand for dairy products, not only have traditional farmers made progress, but many new dairy businesses are also being established in the district. With the support and guidance of the District Administration and Dairy Development Department, every year new farmers in the three development blocks of Rudraprayag are improving their livelihood by purchasing milch animals through the Dairy Development Department. Under the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) scheme, the Dairy Development Department is connecting farmers with dairy business. The department is also providing information and training to farmers on modern technology and equipment.

Along with providing easy loans for the purchase of milch cattle, full assistance is also being provided in the purchase of animals. At the same time, the department is also giving training related to dairy to the farmers from time to time so that the farmers can take care of the animals scientifically. At present, various women groups and farmers in the district are together producing and selling more than 15 thousand liters of milk every day. Today we are sharing the stories of some such successful farmers with you.

Sandeep’s milk business is producing around 200 liters of milk daily

Sandeep Goswami of Haat village of Agastyamuni block has been in milk business for the last five years. After completing his studies, Sandeep adopted self-employment as his career. After trying his hand at many businesses, he decided to give priority to milk production and contacted the Milk Development Department to get information about all the schemes. The department gave them information about the schemes and helped him in purchasing cattle and construction of cow shed. While he initially started his operations with two cows, today he has 14 cattle including high breed cows that give 25 to 30 liters of milk a day. Sandeep is earning more than Rs 3 lakh by producing about 8500 liters of milk per month. Sandeep has also provided employment to 10 people through his business.

Geeta Devi achieved success after struggle

If you have the passion to do something in life and your courage is high then nothing is impossible, Geeta Devi is also an example of this. Geeta Devi, resident of Haat village, belongs to a very ordinary family. The financial condition of the family was not very strong, so she chose the path of milk business to support the family. In the beginning she faced many problems but with time he understood the nuances of the work and continued her struggle. At present, Geeta Devi has seven cattle and she is selling about 3500 liters of milk from her business in a month. Geeta told that she is earning more than Rs 1.5 lakh per month just from selling dairy products. Along with herself, she has also provided employment to four more people.

Ajay Kaparwan found the path to self-employment through dairy

After losing his employment during the Corona period, Ajay Kaparwan, a resident of Gwad-Punad, struggled with unemployment for a long time. Meanwhile, he received information about the NCDC scheme of the Milk Development Department, after which he contacted the department and gathered complete information about the scheme. He established his business by purchasing five cattle under the guidance of the department. Milk production started improving from the first month itself and the dairy department itself started purchasing about 60 liters of milk from him. After this he expanded his business by purchasing three more cows. At present, he has eight cows from which he is selling about 3500 liters of milk per month and earning more than Rs 1.5 lakh revenue. Apart from himself, Ajay is providing employment to six more people.

Senior Manager Milk Development, Rudraprayag SK Sharma said that under the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) scheme, the Dairy Development Department is providing full assistance to the farmers in purchasing cattle and setting up their business. Apart from this, training for business and use of modern technology is also being taught from time to time. At present 15 thousand liters of milk is produced daily in the district, while about 10 thousand liters of milk is coming from outside, hence it is clear that many people in the district can become self-employed in this field.

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